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12:10:40 <andrerav> re Dexter: Aster er søren meg ganske hot i siste episode, burde jeg skamme meg for å synes det eller :X 12:11:03 <andrerav> Astor* 12:11:54 <andrerav> ja ok det burde jeg 12:12:06 <andrerav> *skam* 12:21:23 <Kjes> haha andrerav ho er 13 da! 12:21:50 <andrerav> JA FOR FAEN JEG HATER MEG SELV NÅ OK LA DET LIGGE PLIS 12:22:31 <chasba> har du dratt en pedobear eller andrerav 12:22:39 <andrerav> FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU 12:23:12 <Kjes> hahaha 12:23:33 <koala_man> http://www.childstarlets.com/lobby/bios/portraits/christina_robinson12.jpg gettin' hot in here 12:23:47 <andrerav> :( 12:23:51 <Kjes> lolz 12:23:58 <chasba> MOAAAAAR 12:24:17 <chasba> !i jailbait 12:24:20 <pusekatt> Motivational Jailbait (600 x 750 - 81k) @ http://www.just-whatever.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/jalibait_07.jpg | Jailbait Picture (520 x 650 - 204k) @ http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/ninja_powah/Jailbait-1.png | Jailbait jailbait203sf7 S PreZ who? (750 x 600 - 67k) @ http://prezwho.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/jailbait203sf7.jpg | Jailbait Sister (527 x 640 - 159k) @ 12:24:21 <pusekatt> http://humourpic.com/art/fullview/Jailbait-Sister.jpg 12:24:40 <Kjes> http://www.imdb.com/media/rm881233664/nm2247732 - andrerav knows she wants it 12:25:05 <andrerav> faen slutt da dette er ikke morsomt :( :( :( 12:25:26 <chasba> sa noen ÆSter eller 12:25:31 <chasba> u c what i did thair 12:25:39 <Kjes> hahaha i c it!
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